Anthropology, as a distinct field of study under social sciences, has been developing a unique identity within the global education system. Therefore, the demand for higher education is continuously increasing. As a result, the Department of Anthropology has earned a very high recognition for its study programmes. We teach and conduct research in physical and cultural anthropology. Although few universities teach cultural anthropology the university of Sri Jayewardenepura in the one and only Sri Lankan university that offers a special degree in programme consist of cultural as well as physical anthropology.
Prof. Charmalie Nahallage
Head of the Department
Anthropology was introduced to the University of Sri Jayewardenepura as a discipline in 1960 under the auspicious guidance of the eminent scholar Dr. P. E. P. Deraniyagala. Later hard work, dedication and experience of renowned scholars such as Dr. Allex Gunasekara, late Profs. Lakshman Waidyasekara and Prof. Nandasena Rathnapala laid a sound foundation to the development of the discipline. For over 60 years, well qualified department members have been tirelessly training and educating undergraduates to safeguard the different traditional cultural knowledge prevailing in the country and to use that knowledge to develop the country in a sustainable manner. At present this is the only department in the university system that offer both cultural as well as physical anthropology for the anthropology degree programme.
To contribute to create a graduate who is fully committed to the development of the country as a coherent, critical and a research oriented citizen who understands human cultural and physical diversity. Anthropology course units are offered to Bachelor of Arts Degree Program…
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Lakdiva Hela Martial Arts, now known as Angampora Martial Arts, is one of the oldest martial arts in the history of world martial arts. Angam martial arts have a long history compared to martial arts such as Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, and Tai Chi in China, Karate in Japan…
Culture is the identity of a country. Although tourism has been taking place for various purposes, most people visit countries to see the diversity of cultures in the world. At present, Sri Lankan culture has been one of the fundamental elements that governs the promotion of tourism in the country. According to the ‘Survey of Departing Tourists from Sri Lanka…