The Sri Soratha Gallery of the Archaeology Museum of the Department of History and Archaeology opens with reverential commemoration

In parallel to the 60th anniversary of the Archaeology Museum of the Department of History and Archaeology, the opening ceremony of the newly established ‘Sri Soratha Gallery’ along with a reverential commemoration, was held on the 28th of October 2022 from 9.00 am onwards, at Mendis Rohanadheera hall of the department.

The event was graced by Ven. Dammala Sumana Thero (the present chief incumbent of Sri Nagarama temple, Hikkaduwa, which was the residing temple of the Most Ven. Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero), Senior Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Deans, Heads of the Departments, Registrar, Librarian, Bursar, Academic staff members, and other dignitaries. Moreover, this event was made witness to the relatives and devotees of Ven. Soratha Thero, who were invited from the Hikkaduwa area.

After the religious venerations, Prof. Alexander Kapukotuwa of the Department of History and Archaeology welcomed the gathering and was followed by the speech of Prof. Karunasena Hettiarachchi, the Head of the Department, explaining the objectives of this event. During the event, the newly designed website of the Archaeology Museum was launched and the conserved manuscript copies of ‘Bhatti kavya’ (also known as ‘Ravanavadhaya’), authored by Most Ven. Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero, were also launched and offered to the dignitaries. Following that, Senior Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, the Vice Chancellor of the USJ, and Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, the Dean of the FHSS, made speeches commemorating Most Ven. Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero, who was the first Vice-Chancellor of the University and the founding Head of the Department of History and Archaeology. The ceremonious proceedings were concluded with the Vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Nilmini Netthasinghe, the Curator of the Archaeology Museum.

After the proceedings of the ceremony, the dignitaries paid a visit to the Archaeology Museum and opened the newly established ‘Sri Soratha Gallery’ and made offerings to Most Ven. Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero’s portrait painting. Furthermore, they were very much pleased with the Museum Exhibition that had been organized at the museum premises, celebrating its 60th anniversary.

The Department of History and Archaeology would like to express their gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor of the USJ, Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage, the Dean of the FHSS, Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, Registrar, Bursar, and all the relevant parties for making the necessary allocations and arrangements to realize the establishment of this ‘Sri Soratha Gallery’ and this opening ceremony.