Disseminating the scholarly knowledge and decades of practical experience in archaeology, Prof. K.M. Alexander of the Department of History and Archaeology of the USJ launched his new book titled ‘පුරාවිද්යා මූලධර්ම හා ක්ෂේත්ර පුරාවිද්යාව’ (trans: ‘Fundamentals of Archaeology and Field Archaeology’), on 14th December 2023, at the occasion held at the Resource Centre of the Department.
Co-authored with Sen. Lect. (Dr.) Oshan Wedage, Sen. Lect. Inoj Abeynayake, and Asst. Lect. Gayathri Vidanapathirana, Prof. K.M. Alexander has attempted to disseminate scholarly knowledge and experience covering the aspects of ‘Introduction to Archaeology, Definitions of Archaeology, Inter-disciplinary scope of Archaeology, Archaeological Explorations, Fundamentals of Archaeological Excavations, Archaeological Documentation, Matrix Context Documentation, Artifacts Drawing, Study of Pottery, Rescue Archaeology, and Ethics in Archaeology’.
Accordingly, this book will serve as a reference reading material for students following the archaeology discipline at their undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The book launching session was graced by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (USJ), Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, the Director-General of the Central Cultural Fund, Prof. Gamini Ranasinghe, and the staff members of the department. This book is priced for Rs. 1,200/= and is available at the department to purchase for the interested readership. A special discounted price of Rs. 1,000/= will be offered for undergraduate students (internal and external).