Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Archaeology Museum of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, a special Museum exhibition was organized by the Department of History and Archaeology on the 28th and 29th of October 2022.
The Museum exhibition was preceded by the opening ceremony of the ‘Sri Soratha Gallery’ of the Archaeology Museum, graced by Ven. Dammala Sumana Thero (the present chief incumbent of Sri Nagarama temple, Hikkaduwa, which was the residing temple of the Most Ven. Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero), Senior Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and other dignitaries.
Following that, this special Museum exhibition was launched by the Archaeology Museum of the Department of History and Archaeology, which collaborated with the Colombo National Museum, the Zoology Museum of the Department of Zoology of the USJ and the Department of Anthropology of the USJ. The visitors could experience diverse galleries including Traditional masks of Sri Lanka, the Evolution of the Art history of Sri Lanka, Pre and Proto-history of Sri Lanka, Clay and Terracotta artifacts, Traditional traps, Stone carvings, Mural paintings, Local and Foreign coins, the Anthropological Evolution of Humans starting from the primates, Animal species preservation, and so on. In addition, upon the request of the Department of History and Archaeology, a publication stall of the Central Cultural Fund had been arranged for the bibliophile.
The Archaeology Museum of the Department of History and Archaeology would like to thank the Department of National Museums, the Central Cultural Fund, the Vice-Chancellor of the USJ, Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage, the Dean of the FHSS, Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, the Department of Zoology of USJ, the Department of Anthropology and every other party for the cooperation extended, to mark this milestone in the history of the Archaeology Museum.
There are no upcoming events at this time.