Second year students who have been selected to follow honours degree programss are requsted to register for their honors gegree programs using the following online form. This form is desinged to check feasibility of recritung students for each subjects and after this initial process students will be able to officially register and appeal for their...Read More
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences BSc (Hons) in Information Technology First Year (2018/2019) Selected List Downloads Selected list of 1st Year undergraduates to follow BSc (Hons) in Information Technology>> Read More
The Department of Social Statistics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has launched their new bi-annual magazine: ‘සංඛ්යාන සරණිය’ under the timely valued theme “Statistical Aspect on Covid -19 Outbreak”. Read the magazine through the following link. සංඛ්යාන සරණිය Volume 01 – Issue 01>> Read More
මානවශාස්ත්ර හා සමාජීය විද්යා පිඨයේ සෑම අධ්යයනාංශයක් මගින්ම එම එක් එක් අධ්යයනාංශය මගින් ලබාදෙන ගෞරව උපාධි පාඨමාලා (විශේෂ වේදී) සඳහා තේරී පත්ව ඇති ශිෂ්ය නාමලේඛන ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබේ. (පහත දැක්අවෙන අදාළ ලින්ක් එක තෝරාගන්න) Department of Anthropology (Updated on 19th May 2020) Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Department of Economics Department of English and Linguistics ...Read More
Each department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has released a list of students that have been eligible to follow Honors degree (special) programs. (Click on the relevant link to view the list) Department of Anthropology (Updated on 19th May 2020) Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Department of Economics Department of English and...Read More
If you wish to follow English or TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) as a main field of study of your degree, you are required to sit for a selection test on English proficiency conducted by the Department of English and Linguistics. If you are interested in sitting for the selection test, please use...Read More
The aptitude test held for the selection of 1st year undergraduates to the BSc in IT degree was held today (15th May 2020). However the faculty has decided to conduct a small survey on the technical and other issues related to the online test despite the higher number of student participants in the test. If...Read More
Please use below Test URL and Test Passcode which are corresponding to your group to start the aptitude test on 15th of May 2020 at 11:00 AM. PLEASE NOTE ALL TEST PASSCODES ARE CASE SENSITIVE. Group Test Name Test passcode Test URL Group A BSc in IT Aptitude Test (2020) Group A BScinIT/FHSS/GroupA Group...Read More
Academic works of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (1st Semester) will be commenced from 18th May 2020 through LMS. Registration of the 1st year and 2nd year students for their 1st semester course units will be conducted from 18th May 2020 onward. In addition 2nd year special selected list will be published on More