“Metae 2016” economic week organized by Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences in order to share economic knowledge among G.C.E. Advanced Level students and undergraduates, will be held from 15th November 2016 to 18th November 2016. The major objective of this event was to bring together a cohort of Economics students in...Read More
Ms. Asha Ralapanawa Tutor at the Department of Sinhala and Mass communication launched her second book ” Waadiya” on 2nd November at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Waadiya launching ceremony was held with the participation of prominent Folklore Researcher Mr. Mahinda Kumara Dalupotha and famous writers Mr. Buddhadasa Galappaththi and Mr. Gunasekara Gunasoma.Read More
The Department of Economics in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences holds an Economics Week named “METAE 2016” in order to share economic knowledge among G.C.E. Advanced Level students and undergraduates. It will be held from the 15th of November 2016 to 18th of November 2016. The major objective of this event is to...Read More
First day of the Workshop Series organized by FHSS Soft Skill Development Unit was started 26th October 2016. Workshop on “Attitudes & Vision Development” was conducted by Prof. Saman Chandra Ranasinghe at Science Auditorium of the university. Read More
First interdepartmental round of “Vidudaya Debate Competition 2016” organized by the FHSS Soft Skill Unite will be started on 17th November onwards. Debate Topics and More Info…….Read More
Organized by the Department of Sinhala & Mass Communication, a guest lecture was held on the 4th October 2016 under the topic of “Newspaper Readership among college Students in the city of Bangalore”. Ms. Vasundara Priyadarshanie from the University of Bangalore, India headed this session while Prof. Kamal Waleboda, head of the Journalism Unit at...Read More
Introductory lecture on “POSTGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMMES IN THE US” were conducted by agents invited from US Universities such as Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), The George Washington University, McNeese State University, University of Wisconsin of Platteville on 5th October 2016 at the Faculty Board Room – FHSS, with the participation of Prof. Sampath...Read More