Scholarship Awarding Ceremony of the Student Welfare and Counseling Unit of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was held on 19th December 2019 at the Faculty Board Room. A selected number of undergraduates of the faculty representing the 2017/2018 academic year awarded with scholarships by Professor Shirantha Heenkenda; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and...Read More
A meeting was held with the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. Claudia Elena Garrido Varas; Coordinator of the ICRC and representatives of the Department of Anthropology; Prof. Charmalie Nahallage, Prof. Yasanjalie Jayathilake (Head of the Department), Dr. Tharaka Ananda on 16th December 2019 at the Faculty on the future academic...Read More
Having realized the critical roles teaching, learning and assessment play in higher education, a National Action Research Conference in Higher Education (NARCHE) is organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. As a part of the conference, a one day workshop was held on 12th February 2020 in order...Read More
For the first time in the history of the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences an academic mentoring programme for students was initiated with the support of the AHEAD ELTA ELSE DP Faculty (FHSS) Grant on 2019. The foundation was set forth with the first training and coaching workshop held on 18th of October 2019...Read More
Ranrasu; Festival of Art organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was held on the 16th, 23rd and 30th January 2020 at the Bandaranayaka Hall of the University. This splendorous artistic festival was graced by Prof. Sudantha Liyanage; Acting Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Shitrantha Heenkenda; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. D....Read More
Business Idea Competition organized by the EntreClub of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences with the objective of building future entrepreneurs and future business leaders reached its goal on 28th January 2020 with awarding and recognizing best business leaders and entrepreneurs of the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences. Pioneer of the EntreClub of...Read More
Submit your Extended Abstract to IRCHSS 2020, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. IRCHSS 2020 will be held on August 13th (Thursday) and 14th (Friday), 2020 in Colombo, Sri Lanka under the theme “Collaborate and Discover: Break the Barriers.” For additional details, visit Tracks IRCHSS 2020 mainly welcomes studies...Read More
Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayawardenepura has been appointed as a member of the Board of Governors of the Institutes of Policy Studies and Task Force for Poverty Eradication and livelihood Development of Sri Lanka by the Honorable President Gothabaya Rajapaksha with effected...Read More