Sacred Relics Enshrinement Ceremony in the Conserved Rajagala Stupa

The ceremony of the enshrinement of sacred relics in the Rajagala Stupa which is conserved under the Rajagala Archaeological project, being carried out by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka, was held in Ampara under the precedence of honorable Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge; Vice-Chancellor of the USJP, Minister Wijedasa Rakapaksha, Prof. D. P. S. Chandrakumara; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. P. M. Mandawala; Director-General and the officials of the Department of Archaeology, Prof. Alexander Kapukotuwa; Head of the Department of History and Archaeology, Academic staff members and  many other distinguished guests on 16th October 2018 at 3.00 p.m.

Parallel to the occasion, two research works namely “Rajagala Puravidya Paryeshana” and “Rajagala Sellipi” were launched moreover, housing loans were distributed to low-income families and schooling types of equipment were given away to the students of the area.